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Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Thin Line Between Love and Hate

sometimes i could love you so deep, I'm even willing to sacrifice everything for love. But if you disappoint me, maybe I could hate you.. This disappointment made me tired..Maybe i expect too much..too much expectations of you..
What should i do? I feel the need to reduce this sense of love to you.. Reduce my hopes in you. hello cool and cold love!! i wanted to join the cold side of love!!

I love you for all the times
You had that loving look in your eyes
You know the look the one that made me melt
I love you for how I felt

I hate you for how your words hurt
Like a slap across my face is how it hurts
It seems as though your niceness is forced
I hate you for how I seem like a chore

I love you when you hold me so tight
You know when I feel like I am the only one in sight
But our life hardly calls for that anymore
I love you for these hugs you make time for

I hate you when you can't even walk
You know when you've had to much to talk
You know it makes me feel so very mad
I hate you for all the times you've made me sad

There is a thin line between love and hate
So chalk up the points to see our fate
I love you so, when you are my mate
Please don't push me across the line

From love to hate

Monday, February 8, 2010

warung tekko

yep this was my first time to ate the most happening "new comers" food in Jakarta. 
warung tekko! 
i ordered Otot penyet (beef tendon) for 25K with white rice (5K), ate the Otot with the super spicy level..(Hoahh..damn hot)!!

The Logo

The Menu

Otot penyet (beef tendon with spicy sambel kampung)


where i ate?

Jl. Batu Tulis Raya No. 36, kota, Jakarta Pusat

telp. (021) 384 0077 / (021) 384 3891

kwetiau hayam wuruk

hey all! this is my first post about FOOD. hell yeah! i love to eat soo much.. hahaa.. but i've never talked about food =(
but i am the real food lover.. lol.. 
so this is the best kwetiau  (kind of white noodles made from rice) in Jakarta i've ever eaten..
I ate here because i was terribly miss kwetiau siram (siram = doused with a mixture of beef, bean sprouts, mustard greens) . 
I ordered the "Kwetiau Siram" which was really tasty! 

though it is not interesting but it taste very good

kwetiau siram (22k)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

how to make eyes look bigger

hey all! its me! this is my 1st post on 2010!  i'm pretty busy with campus activities =(
and this is my first post about beauty =), i realize as a teenager can't be separated from beauty treatments. I love beauty, because every woman is worth. 

extra Volume Collagen Mascara

James Kaliardos: How to make eyes look bigger (link to video, watch it!)

Telescopic Explosion Mascara

the makeup artist: James Kaliardos
He said "Applying make-up is a moment of creativity where women can really indulge themselves."
Hope you guys like this video! watch it! and get the look of bigger eyes girls!  =)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Love Without Trust

it seems no matter where you are in a relationship it's always lacking trust, and like a key opens a door, trust is what opens a heart.
Without trust you begin to worry day and night somehow gaining insecurities within yourself that makes you question the love you two share.

You start to feel unworthy, you have so much to say, will there ever be trust or just that constant pain, because of those feelings there's an emptiness in your heart. you feel it's easiest to just move on, but you wonder if you'll ever find a love so strong, so just take his hand, put your trust in him, because love without trust isn't love at all..

Why does your heart grow doubtful dear?
Tense and beating, full of fear.
I keep with me your everlasting love,
and bless the day God sent you from above.

You remain my angel and I feel that I must,
tell you that within you, you have my trust.
My love is the tide, your soul is the shores,
you have my heart, do I have yours?

I'll belong to you till the very end,
and you will forever stay as my lover and friend.
It has been so good like this from the start,
so darling please, trust me with your heart.


Monday, November 9, 2009

ooo i love this one so so soo muchh!

hey all! if u have seen this one you would know what i mean..=)
this post tells us about all of the greatest romances but silent captured in pictures.

some pictures taken by axioo

uuhh i love axioo so much! 
great idea. fresh idea and never would be the same ever.

this was fun! daddy and mommy to-be

Love is the greatest touch-up artist of all. 
 ~Robert Brault~


meaning of friendship

When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand.  The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.

apa yang ada dipikiran anda ketika mendengar kata teman? mungkin anda akan menjawab teman kampus, teman kerja, teman sekolah ataupun teman masa kecil. Tapi ada kah seorang teman yang benar-benar melekat di hati anda sebagai seorang sahabat, yang bersama-sama dengan anda berbagi cerita dan nasehat-nasehat?

Ya saya pun juga memiliki sahabat, mulanya saya tidak terlalu mengerti arti dari sahabat karena menurut saya seorang teman sudah saya anggap cukup (pikiran jaman dulu). Namun ketika saya menginjak SMP, saya mengenal seorang sahabat yang tau betul akan sifat saya dan kami saling mengerti satu sama lain. Sampai sekarang kami masi kontek, dan berada dalam satu lingkungan kampus yang sama. Intensitas persahabatan kami dapat dikatakan tidak "intense", namun sekalinya jika bertemu kami seperti "orang gila" yang sangat ingin bercerita. Hal ini di karenakan kami sadar betul, bahwa kami bersahabat bukan ber-"gank" dimana dalam hal ini kami pun bebas memiliki teman-teman lainnya. Karena pergaulan ini luas, teman tidak ada batasnya namun orang yang kita percayai pasti ada batasnya. Maka kami "sibuk" bergaul dengan teman-teman lainnya, namun sekalinya ingin mengeluarkan uneg-uneg kami bisa seperti orang yang dilanda rindu. 

Selama berteman dengan sahabat saya ini, kami hampir tidak pernah bertengkar. Bahkan tidak sama sekali! Persahabatan kami berbeda dengan cewe" lain yang sering meluangkan Sat Nite bareng", menurut saya persahabatan lebih dari arti pergi" bareng saja. Saling mengerti dan menghargai adalah arti yang sebenarnya dari persahabatan tersebut. Seorang sahabat memang tersirat dalam artian akan terus mendukung kita. Mendukung disini juga bukan sekedar selalu berkata "Ya" dalam setiap keputusan kita. Sahabat mendukung kita walaupun menghasilkan suatu keputusan yang pahit. Saya berharap persahabatan ini dapat terus berjalan hingga kami nenek-nenek =), kami memiliki banyak impian dan cita-cita kedepannya. Mulai dari menjadi wanita sukses, belanja sampai semua toko tutup (walau cuma window shopping tapi kami senang bersama"), menjinjing barang-barang branded haha.. Ya itu lah cita-cita yang sering kami omongin pas jaman SMA..haha..

Karena kami bebas berteman bukan dalam "gank", maka kami masing-masing pun memiliki banyak teman. Saya juga memiliki beberapa teman baik dari jaman SMA, yang hingga kini pun masih sering kontek hanya untuk sekedar menanyakan kabar =). Dalam masa SMA ini saya merasa dunia pertemanan saya cukup baik, dan saya sangat bersyukur untuk dapat mengenal mereka. Teman-teman baik juga termasuk ke dalam sahabat saya, sangat saya kenal dan dekat dengan mereka. 

I always felt that the great high privilege, relief and comfort of friendship was that one had to explain nothing.  ~Katherine Mansfield
